The Montgolfier Brothers – Journey's End
Album Art
Journey's End - The Montgolfier Brothers

Sky lines change memories still remain 
天空变换不定 记忆依然如故

Some friends stay some make their escape 
一些朋友离去 一些留了下来

I've walked these streets I've known this place too long 
我走过这些街道 我知道这个地方太久了

And since you've gone got used to being Alone 

I think About you from time to time 

From summer's shower till winter's sunshine 

I meant to tell you meant to hold you more 
我试着告诉你 你对我而言是与众不同的

I miss you telling me how your day has gone 

We cant stop time hard As we might try 
再怎么努力 我们仍无法阻止时间逝去

We're not here long And then you're gone 
我们很久前就不在这里了 你也早走了

You cant stop time hard As you might try 
再怎么努力 你仍无法与时间作对

We're not here long And then you're gone 
我们很久前就不在这里了 你也早走了
